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Home - Interpeace : Interpeace

Programme results in figures

(October 2020 - December 2023)

  • 13184 people reached (6344 men; 6840 women)
  • 281 healing spaces created: 4589 participants (1795 men; 2794 women)
  • Resilience-oriented therapy: 35 spaces, 311 participants (122 men; 189 women)
  • Multifamily therapy: 31 spaces; 580 participants (279 men; 301 women)
  • Sociotherapy: 215 spaces; 3198 participants (1394 men; 1804 women)
  • Prisoner rehabilitation and reintegration:
    • 15 healing spaces created in 5 prisons; 398 participants (97 men; 302 women)
    • 77 correctional officers (49 men; 28 women) trained
  • Collaborative livelihoods:
    • 405 people (208 men; 197 women) trained in financial and entrepreneurship skills
    • 411 participants (141 men; 270 women) trained in hands-on skills
    • 51 business initiatives supported with 846 members (419 male; 427 female)
    • 4 Youth Business hubs established
  • 296 community dialogue facilitators (145 men; 151 women) trained to facilitate healing spaces
  • 125 mental health professionals (49 men; 76 women) trained in the use of contextualised mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) protocols
  • 2665 people (1278 men; 1387 women) trained in life skills and socio-emotional skills
  • 2885 participants (1367 men; 1518 women) attended psychoeducation trainings
  • 401 high-school teachers (329 men; 72 women) trained in history and trauma-sensitive teaching
  • 24 journalists (18 men; 6 women) trained in MHPSS-informed reporting
  • 24 trainers (7 men; 17 women) attended a training-of-trainers on positive masculinity and parenting
  • 3 research studies conducted
  • 8 MHPSS protocols and curricula developed
  • One Mental Health Mobile Clinic launched
  • 16 motorcycles provided to district hospital and health centers
  • 56 tablets provided to district hospital and health centers for data collection and safeguarding
  • One Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) facility constructed in Bugesera Prison